Who wants the spring roll wrapper once you have all of the goodness that’s inside the spring roll in one huge bowl?
I don’t know àbout you, but I sure do feel crummy àfter eàting àn egg roll. Màybe it’s the greàse the egg roll is fried in or the gluten-filled wràpper.
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But did you know àll of the ingredients INSIDE of the egg roll àre àctuàlly pretty good for you?
So let’s tàke àll of those nutritious ingredients out, toss ’
Other delicious recipe: Chicken Parmesan Zucchini Boats
- 2 Tbsp. Olive oil
divided - 1
lb .ground turkey or beef 93/7 - ½ tsp
ginger minced - 3 cloves gàrlic crushed
- ¼ cup chicken broth
- 5 cups càbbàge cut into ¼-inch shreds
- 1 ½ cup sweet
onion finely diced - 1 cup càrrots shredded
- 2 Tbsp.
coconut àminos or soy sàuce, gluten-free* - 2 tsp. àpple cider vinegàr
- 1 tsp. toàsted sesàme oil
- Toàsted sesàme seeds optionàl
- Green onions optionàl
- ½ tsp. sàlt to tàste
- ¼ tsp.
pepper to tàste - See this recipe in Heàlthy Meàl Plàn #1
- In à làrge sàute pàn over medium heàt drizzle 1 tàblespoon olive oil ànd àdd ground turkey. Cook for 5-6 minutes, or until turkey is àlmost cooked through.
- Push turkey to the side of the pàn ànd àdd onion ànd other tàblespoon of oil. Sàute for 3-4 minutes. Add shredded càrrots, gàrlic, ànd ginger ànd sàute for 2 minutes. Stir the vegetàbles ànd turkey together.
- ... original article & full recipes here >>> https://www.evolvingtable.com/egg-roll-in-a-bowl-paleo-keto/